An Update from Gubbio

Dear Friends and Supporters of The Gubbio Project,

We hope that this finds you and your loved ones safe and well during this holiday season. At Gubbio we continue to be mindful of those for whom the holiday season is especially challenging – our neighbors who are unhoused. 

We want to let you know that we are continuing to monitor the Covid-19 pandemic and are taking direction from public health and infectious disease experts.  We continue to interact with our local partners to monitor the situation, provide our input and engage in advocacy.  In addition, we have been exploring potential new partnerships and additional sites. The Board of Directors remains committed to reopening and engaging our mission of providing Sacred Sleep as soon as it is safe to do so. We will continue to keep you updated on any developments.  

We are grateful for your support of The Gubbio Project and our unhoused neighbors. We wish you well this holiday season.  

In gratitude,

The Gubbio Project