April 9, 2020

Dear Friends and Supporters of Gubbio, 

This crisis has shown us that we are inextricably connected.  We are learning how the decisions we make impact others near and far.  We wear gloves and masks, practice social distancing and shelter in place to flatten the curve, for our safety and the safety of others.  But what about our neighbors who live on the streets?  What does it mean to shelter in place when you have no shelter or to practice social distancing when you have no place? 

In recent weeks, as the city is struggling to determine how it will respond and step up to protect our unhoused kin, we are seeing a barrage of statistics – infection rates, numbers of homeless people, numbers of meals served, numbers of available hotel rooms.  These numbers matter.  But what can get lost in the wash of these numbers is the fact that behind them all are people. Behind the numbers are living, breathing, dynamic humans.  Humans with beautiful, complicated lives of love, and loss and dreams.  Humans inherently deserving of safety, shelter and care. 

When we focus just on numbers, it becomes dangerously easy to “other” one another.  Whole groups of people become one generalized monolith, and as a result, can be considered less human and are more easily ignored. For many of us right now our only link to the “outside” world is a screen, making it easy for others to feel less real. 

This is the power of Gubbio - we provided sanctuary yes, but a core piece of that sanctuary is relationship.  At Gubbio we believe that we get close to one another, particularly those we consider to be so different from us, transformation is possible and we discover our common humanity.  

So this week, considered Holy by so many, as you gather with loved ones online, in the safety of your homes, I ask that you pause, take a moment to acknowledge, to feel the truth our interconnectedness and remember those who cannot shelter in place, who cannot practice social distancing. Breathe with that truth. Allow it to move you. 

As we move forward, with whatever is ahead of us, may we hold close the example of San Francisco's namesake, St. Francis. May we recognize the inherent worth of all and to be what he was – the living embodiment of our inter-connectedness and a model of compassion in service of and with those most marginalized. 

In Solidarity,

Shannon Eizenga

Executive Director

The Gubbio Project